Thai Ice Tea ice cream in a sugar cone from Sundaes & Cones
Met up with Catherine when she was in town for work and we spent an afternoon eating ice cream, buying too much stuff, and being sushi babies.
I had the chance to meet one of Catherine’s friends who suggested we get some ice cream at Sundaes & Cones in the East Village. They had such a great collection of flavors including some unique ones like Thai ice tea, lychee (!!), sweet corn, honeydew, taro & black sesame. I had the Thai ice tea, but I’ve gotta go back for the lychee! Heads up that the portions were huge, which is great for ice cream lovers. So remember to ask for samples first to pick out something you really like.

After watching Catherine devour like 5 scoops of ice cream (HOW?!), we headed back to Union Square to Nature Republic and spent far far far too much money. I only got 3 things (please clap), but our basket had a accumulation of so many products, that a staff member basically helped us hold our stuff U_U.

Shout out to Diana L. at the Union Square Nature Republic for being so kind and helpful! She hooked us up with so many samples ^~^ There was a great promotion so I got the Argan Essential Deep Cleansing Hair Pack, a Real Nature Honey Ampoule, and one of the new creamy lipsticks.
By the time we were finished, we each had a big bag – Catherine got the SUPER huge promo gift set with a water bottle!! lmao – and it was already dark out. We headed over to meet up with some more of Catherine’s friends at dinner at Marumi.
(Along the way, we stepped into Aesop and overheard a customer who was not only dismissive to the staff, but who also pronounced masque as “MOSQUE” lmao ok)

At Marumi, I chickened out and skipped out on sushi after explaining to everyone how thicker cuts are too flesh-chunky for me and went with the takosu (octopus salad in vinegar sauce) and kake udon with duck.
Catherine had to get to her hotel, which was legit upstate, so we said early goodbyes, but it was so nice to see her even if it was for a short while!!
Sundaes and Cones 95 East 10th Street New York, NY 10003 | Marumi 546 Laguardia Place New York, NY 10012 | Nature Republic (Union Square) 12 East 14th St New York, NY 10003 |
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