It’s been 84 years….. Finally!! I am HYPED about the Monster/Lucky One comeback so I figured now was the best time (if not ever) to share these shoddily taken photos of EXO from their concert back in February. I couldn’t with good conscience sneak my DSLR in so please accept these grainy photos of my love.
I’ve wanted to see EXO since… well since there were 12 members (ugly laughter + possibly also crying) The problem was finding someone willing to spend their life savings on tickets with me because if I missed this show, the next time they come around it would just be Joonmyun feat. holograms of all of his previous band members – you KNOW SM would have the technology to do this!!!
Fortunately, a few days before tickets went on sale, my friend Whit was kind enough to put me in touch with her friend, Dee so we could be concert buddies! After a whispered excuse at dinner time “SorryIHaveAnEmailIHaveToGetToRightNow” and lots of Skype shouting, Dee and I were sitting comfy with horribly expensive!!! tickets to see EXO.
Dee and I met up the day of the show at PruCenter around mid-afternoon in the hopes of scoring some free fansite swag, but unfortunately, all of it was long gone. Eventually we resigned to waiting on the ENORMOUS line while I admired Dee’s AMAZING LIGHT UP LED SIGN!!!
How cute!! Everything about Dee is cute!! She introduced me to a bunch of her friends as well who were also cute and nice!! In fact, so many fans at the venue were super cute and lovely.
By around 4pm, the initial buzz of being so close to see EXO was starting to die off and turned into full blow anxiety as the sun set, which made the occasional gust of wind + light drizzle unbearable. Much of the stress was attributed to my having a camera in my bag :x I’ve never had an issue at previous shows, but security was extra tight this time and many times staff would walk down the line and threaten to tear up the ticket of anyone caught with a camera. We watched through the windows as GA bags of all sizes were confiscated all while our lines inched along.
It was MINUTES before the start of the show when we finally cleared security. Dee and I were amongst the last people to enter the venue despite somehow being there 5 hours before showtime?! During the last few meters to the door, EXO started streaming backstage on V app and the collective group of us still stuck pre-security all crowded around Dee’s phone to watch the clip – whereupon Dee shouted CHANYEOL HAS WHITE HAIR and I thanked the kpop god for taking kind pity on me. They were, unfortunately, not kind to Dee – security confiscated and discarded her adorable LED sign :(
Once inside, we ran sprinted towards the merch booth, did a quick 10 second survey, and then rushed hurriedly to our seats. I had barely taken off my coat & settled in when the MUSIC STARTED. There was an incredibly cheesy vcr & lots of screaming and THEN
Oh my god I could die!!!! What an experience!!!!! I LOVE CONCERTS SO MUCH!!!!! I had such a good time. ^~^ EXO were such great performers and I couldn’t believe that I was seeing them with my OWN EYES. They’re SO BEAUTIFUL >3< I don’t remember/know how much of these shows are lipsynched, but they sounded so wonderful and I just about lost it whenever one of my Favorite Songs came on. I thought they did a wonderful job despite all the drama with the promoter and especially given how last minute this tour seemed. I was bummed that Yixing couldn’t make it, but everyone collectively screamed extra loud for him! Tbh I was kind of having trouble looking at even eight members (WHATIFWESTILLHADTWELVE). Also no lie I was locked in on Chanyeol 90% of the time!!!!! WHAT A LOVELY BEAUTIFUL ANNOYING BOY ^3^ Everyone was seriously Very Cute – I’m EXO trash forever!!!!
Thank you again to Dee for being the sweetest & cutest concert partner!! It’s too bad that we couldn’t get dinner together, but it was so much fun meeting you and I’m sorry I laughed at you when you cried lmao!!!!
1 Comment
July 25, 2016 at 3:17 AMahhhhhh my sooooonnnnn T_T_T_T_T