

June 29, 2015
[audio:ZionT_Eat.mp3|titles= 꺼내 먹어요 (Eat) |artists=Zion.T]

“배고플 땐 이 노래를 / 아침 사과처럼 꺼내 먹어요 / 피곤해도 아침 점심 밥 좀 챙겨 먹어요 / 그러면 이따 밤에 잠도 잘 올 거에요”
“when you feel hungry take out this song / eat it like a morning apple
make sure you eat your meals even if you’re tired / then you’ll be able to sleep at night”

Happy (almost end of) June! I hope 2015 has been treating you well ♡

Swinging by to apologize for vanishing for half a year. Work has been kicking my ass/consuming my life, but I’m trying hard to remember to take care of myself & my wellbeing. I want to make this a year that I will be proud of & I wish the same to all of you. I’ll be back really soon!!! But in the meantime ✧ remember to stay hydrated, moisturized, & SPF-ed ✧